Monday, December 24, 2012


US 1 descends and at 31.5 in. crosses LITTLE GUNPOWDER FALLS, 
the dividing line between Harford and Baltimore Counties; the nar- 
row wooded valley presents an attractive view. 

At 33 m. (L) is the HOODOO MARKER, so called because of the in- 
scription: "Cursed be he who removeth his neighbor's landmark, 
and all the people shall say amen. Deuteronomy, Chap. 27, Verse 
17." Above this is the boundary inscription: "This stone is in place 
of a double poplar tree, a boundary of expectation francis freedom 
alias young's escape and the second boundary of onion's prospect 
hill, the latter now owned by Edward Day." This ancient marker, 
much used by surveyors, is a rough shaft about nine feet high; only 
the side bearing the inscriptions is smooth. The dark stone, hard as 
flint, and now painted white on its face, is close to the road, though 
owing to a fill the top of the stone is now at the road level. The stone, 
thought to be at least 1 50 yrs. old, is probably a relic of a lifetime of 
quarreling between brothers, John and Edward Day. The only near 
reconciliation of the men occurred when Edward was supposed to be 
on his deathbed and his pastor, shocked by the idea of one of the 
brothers going to death with the breach unhealed, persuaded John 
to enter the sick man's bedroom. He thought his efforts had been 
successful until John was about to leave. Edward called him back for 
a last word, "John, if I die this is a go; if I get well it's all off." He 
recovered and the brothers died enemies. 


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